Welcome to
Shedd Retreat
We are but stewards...
Snoqualmie National Forest
Skykomish, Washington
June, 1969, February, 2008,January, 2009, September, 2010
please. |
Front exterior of cabin; 4:30PM
Front exterior of cabin; 5:15PM
Side showing exterior stairs 09/10
(New metal shake roof installed 11/02)
Rear of cabin
Side door elevation w/new metal roof
Living room
Living room, kitchen
Living room and outside
Living room with new quilt/pillow (09/10)
All work except plumbing and wiring was
done by Harry and Claradell, relying, of course, on supernatural instruction
and guidance. We began the building project in 1969...and it still continues.
Needlepoint, sewing, quilting, hooked rugs, picture framing, curtains, slipcovers,
carpentry, painting, wallpapering, drywall, etc. by Harry and Claradell.
Dining area
Living room looking into kitchen
Kitchen-first floor
First floor bathroom (tub/shower)
Hallway-bath (l); closet, bedrooms (r)
First floor bedroom